Create your personal Digital Twin.

Ubiqu delivers strong digital identities with an unique patented wallet technology.


The fundamental of a strong digital identity is safe onboarding. We do this by reading your ID document with your phone and match this with a liveness check.

Now we know for sure that, in that moment, it’s you.

Portable Identity

After onboarding we certify the match between passport and ID and we store this in a safe hardware token in our datacenter.

The connection between your phone and the token, the patented Remote Secure Element, is highly secure and encrypted.

Now your Verified ID is portable. Only you can access it with your mobile phone and PIN Code.


You can now upload documents and sign them. Each document can be traced back to your Verified ID because your portable identity is attached to each document securely, just like when you sign a document physically. Signing is on a notary accepted level (legally called eIDAS high) with the ease of you mobile phone and PIN code.


When you lose (access to) your phone, you can recover your account by going through the onboarding process again.

As with data sharing, once you have a verified account again, you gain access to your own data. Your data is only ever shared with you, making recovery a breeze.

Praise from Our Clients

Product owner KPN


CEO Xlinq (former ING)

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